What does it mean?

Fireflies and Free Kicks.  What the heck, right?  

I live in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.  In the summer, we get a lot of fireflies…and I mean A LOT!  Back in June, I was sitting outside on our deck, and I looked at the trees that surround our yard.  It looked like a Disney forest!  I mean, seriously, like one of those floats from the Electric Light Parade (anybody remember that?)!  Anyway, there were literally thousands of fireflies lighting up the area, and I started thinking about how well that represented my life.  I’ve had lots of differing experiences (from jobs to travel and everything in between) that all kind of flit about in my head as memories.  But every single one has shaped me and lit the way for where I am now; and I know that they will continue to lead me. The realization was both magical and inspiring. 

So that’s the “Fireflies” part; what about the “Free Kicks?”  Easy enough…my son plays elite soccer.  In fact, he is a member of the Development Academy, which is the highest level of youth soccer in the country; it feeds directly into the Youth National Teams.  As of right now, that is his goal.  (Actually, given a recent announcement, his goal is to be on the MNT for the 2026 World Cup when it’s hosted by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico).  Our family time is spent at the soccer fields, whether it’s practice, league games or tournaments.  And if it’s not watching him, then pro games are on the TV (yay for Dish Network, where we can get soccer from any country in the world, but still can’t get a lousy Oakland A’s baseball game).  I promise not to bore with only soccer stuff, but it will be a pretty safe bet that many of posts will be created either at the pitch or traveling to a game somewhere!

So there you have it: “Fireflies and Free Kicks.”    

My Sister’s Boyfriend – Marsh – Psych Thriller

I really enjoyed My Sister’s Boyfriend, the latest psych thriller from Nicola Marsh. It was well-written and kept me turning pages to the very end.

Even though I guessed one of the more major twists, I wasn’t sure if I was right until the truth was revealed. I like that in a book – I may figure it out, but if it’s not confirmed, the story is still entertaining.

I don’t know that I can say much about the characters except it is one messed up family. Long-buried secrets have a way of taking a toll on people…. This applies equally in real life and to the family in this book.

Brooke and Lizzy have had a falling out with each other and both of them have had one with their Aunt Alice. The reasons for the tension are uncovered slowly, but the purpose is served. The family is distracted by these internal fights and never sees the true danger coming.

There were a few times that it felt repetitive (yes, we know Brooke felt betrayed, and Lizzie felt guilty). And there were some moments that dragged in the transition between the first and second thirds of the book. And it feels like Aunt Alice’s background isn’t as complete as it could be.

But again, there was enough to keep me engaged and wondering how everything would be resolved. There is poetic justice in how that finally happened.

Nicola Marsh is one of my favorite authors, and I’ll pick up any psych thriller she writes. My Sister’s Boyfriend is the latest of great reads from her.

The Couple on the Train-Cooper-Psych Thriller

The Couple on the Train: An absolutely compelling psychological thriller packed with suspense by Claire Cooper

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just when I thought I had figured out The Couple on the Train, Claire Cooper threw a twist in that I did not see coming.
Since I read so many psych thrillers, I really enjoy it when an author does that.
I was convinced that it was a run-of-the-mill, obvious who the culprit is type book. I should have had more faith in the author.
Not only was I wrong about the perpetrator, but the truth was also so slyly hinted at that I totally missed it.
The story unfolds in “Then” and “Now” chapters, and the transitions are smooth. They’re also evenly spaced out. I didn’t realize until the very end that there was a reason for where each “Then” chapter was placed.
New readers should pay attention to that.
Laura is also an unreliable narrator. It’s unclear through most of the book if she is even mentally stable. No spoilers, but that plays heavily into the resolution…which was one of the more thrilling ones I’ve read in recent memory.
Oh, and stay tuned for the very end. I mean it – read to the last word. Or you’ll miss something important.
I thoroughly enjoyed The Couple on the Train and will be looking for the next psych thriller from Claire Cooper.

View all my reviews

The Assistant – Trope – Psych Thriller

I was excited to read The Assistant by Nicole Trope. Not only do I love this author’s psych thrillers, but I figured I’d be able to relate to the topic/main character (as that’s pretty much my job).

I wasn’t wrong on any count.

Ava has a lot on her plate: two young girls at home, a self-centered husband who doesn’t always pick up the slack, her work is hectic with a co-worker who seems to be undermining her as they vie for an important position.

Truly too much for one person to handle efficiently.

Enter Grace – Assistant Extraordinaire.

Little by little, the reader learns that Grace used to have a different life and is now trying to rebuild. But is there more to her motivation?

While the story itself was solid, it was made stronger because the reader knows Ava is flawed as well. And as Grace’s backstory unfolds, it is easy to see the parallels between her previous life (mostly through letters) and Ava’s current situation.

I enjoyed this book immensely. It was an easy and engaging read, with realistic characters and situations. Sometimes, psych thrillers stretch the limits of believability, but this one felt like it was all legit.

I will say that I had my suspicions about a major twist, and I was right, but I think that’s because I challenge myself with books like this. That being said, I certainly didn’t see a few other twists coming.

Do yourself a favor and pick up The Assistant by Nicole Trope. If you’re a fan of psych thrillers, you will not be disappointed.  

Keep Me Safe – Browne – Psych Thriller

Sheryl Browne took what could have been a run-of-the-mill psych thriller to a new level with a unique twist in Keep Me Safe.

Lily and Alex meet at a wedding. But the reader knows from the beginning – through Lily’s POV – that Lily is being less than honest about her motivations for meeting Alex. Is Alex equally deceptive?

It’s hard to tell at first, but some scenes cast doubt on his legitimacy in the relationship.

The truth slowly emerges, but just when the reader thinks it’s going to continue in a “normal psych thriller way” the author pulls a switch. And then, all of a sudden, there is a whole new set of issues with the relationship between Lily and Alex.

Who is telling the truth? Who is hiding important information? Who is causing Lily’s paranoia to go into overdrive – and is Lily rightfully concerned?

The second half of the book feels like it is on a completely different level from the introductory chapters. There are twists, mistaken (or hidden) identities, and revelations that will keep the reader in an “oh my goodness, no WAY!” frame of mind.

And, as usual with this author’s books, there are a couple of last-minute twists that make the reader question everything they believed in the story.

I love this author and Keep Me Safe is certainly one of her best. I can’t wait for her next psych thriller.

The Secret Hotel in Berlin-Hokin-Historical Fiction-Available Now

I am a huge fan of Catherine Hokin. Her books are always well-researched, intriguing, thought-provoking, and heartfelt. The Secret Hotel in Berlin is no exception.

The dual timeline nature of the story gives readers a bonus—it’s almost like two historical novels woven into one. The intricacies required to give both timelines their due are handled beautifully, and each is equally engaging. The transitions between time periods are never clunky.

Ms. Hokin also creates realistic characters who are relatable, even as they are in positions that are completely unrelatable to a reader. The characteristics and personalities jump off the page.

It may seem like a small thing, but Lili’s original profession was quite telling. As a florist, she knew how to make things beautiful, creating bouquets with the perfect flowers for the right occasion.

I choose to believe that she used that knowledge and adapted it as her situation changed. I think she still believed in finding beauty (good) in chaos and creating/supporting methods that helped others survive.  

Even though the whole book was fascinating, the last third felt accelerated if only because the reader gets answers to questions that are built throughout the rest of the book.

Yes, reading about WWII Germany and 1990s East Berlin is difficult, given the pain and suffering experienced by millions of people. But Ms. Hokin reminds us that strength and resilience are imperative amid tumultuous times.

The Secret Hotel in Berlin is a must-read book.

The Inheritance-Hayes-Psych Thriller-Available Now

I’ve said it repeatedly: a good psych thriller has twists and turns, lots of layers, and keeps the reader guessing until the end. The Inheritance by Samantha Hayes has all of that and more.

In fact, even the title lends itself to several interpretations. But more on that later.

The author sets the stage with a family reunion – one of the first times that three sisters and their families are together after their father’s death. Their mom, Connie, has something to tell them, but we don’t know exactly what that is.

An inheritance, presumably, right?

However, it turns out that there are secrets galore in the Hunter family. I think the only character with no secrets is the family dog. And almost nobody is who they really seem to be.

In that regard, the author does a masterful job directing and misdirecting reader attention and perceptions. For example, is Theo as devious as he appears, or is he hiding something? Is Travis an awful person – if so, what does Darby see in him? What’s going on with Darby and Adrian?

The questions go on and on and form quite a web of lies and deceit, so much so that uncovering one secret exposes more layers of deceit.

I can’t really talk about any character who stood out because it was more of an ensemble piece. I liked the way that the action switched between characters. That helped add to the “web” of connections and lies.

That being said, a couple of “reveals” felt more gratuitous than actually contributing to the plot. And one at the very end was good, but I thought it was unnecessary because it was thoroughly glossed over. However, I did like how the author allowed the reader to make their own conclusions about a few other points.

Oh, and about the actual “inheritance?” The obvious meaning is a decent reveal, but by the time the characters get around to it, the reader has (probably) already figured out what the issue is. Deeper meanings of inheritance (insanity? Family problems handed down?) abound as well.  

All told, The Inheritance is exactly what I want out of a psych thriller, and I can’t wait to see what Samantha Hayes comes up with next.

Samantha Hayes psych thriller author

The Lodge-Rijks-Psych Thriller-Available Now

I think I was predisposed to like The Lodge, a new psych thriller by Miranda Rijks. She had me hooked at “game reserve in South Africa.”

Two of the best trips of my life were to Africa. I absolutely devoured the descriptions of the animals on the reserve as they brought back memories of our safaris. A few times in the book, I found myself looking forward to those rather than the actual plot.

I think that’s because the initial setup felt a bit contrived to me. I thought the coincidences were way too “convenient.”

That was right up until the main character, Anna, voiced exactly what I was feeling. That’s when I knew the author had more planned, and I needed to go along for the ride.

I didn’t expect it to be as twisty as it was. And there were certainly a couple of “Oh no way!” moments, especially towards the book’s last third. There is one twist in particular that I never saw coming, which threw the entire story to a different level.

I thought Anna was a sympathetic character – even though her impulsiveness seemed to repeat itself with Clayton and Joel. Clayton is by far one of the creepiest antagonists I’ve ever “met.”

A couple of things didn’t quite ring true and seemed obvious, but those were minor in the bigger picture of the whole story. And the pace is a little bit off. It seemed like there was a long setup, and then once the shoe dropped, it was a race to the end.

As a result, a couple of the resolutions seemed very rushed. But I suppose those are minor gripes.

All in all, I think The Lodge is a great psych thriller and one of the better ones that Miranda Rijks has written. I’ll definitely be looking for her next one.  

Miranada Rijks psych thriller author

The Prenup-Richmonde-Psych Thriller-Available Now

I have mixed feelings about The Prenup, a new psych thriller by Arianne Richmonde. On the one hand, it is an interesting look at a relationship dynamic most people never have to consider.

On the other hand, the relating of the actual events often comes across as muddled and uneven. I still can’t decide whether or not that is purposeful to go along with Ava’s state of mind.

Frankly, we don’t get much of a backstory for her, only in little bits, so it is sometimes difficult to tell why she is the way she is…and why she does what she does.

There are parts in the first third of the book where she appears to be an absolute mess. That made it difficult for me to root for her or even relate to her. She almost seemed too pathetic to care about.

There is a point, though, (not giving it away) when it becomes apparent there is another layer to what is going on – and then the pieces start to fall into place.

I liked it when all of the points of view started to converge, and we got to find out more about that other layer. However, I wish that the author had kicked it up one notch.

The threads were there to turn it into a gleeful revenge against the villain character story, but it never quite got there. Likewise, I thought that the author was going to go in a certain direction with Ava, but unless I missed it, that never really materialized either.

At any rate, The Prenup still was a good psych thriller. I just think it could have gone to another level and been even better. I’ll still be looking for the next story from Arianne Richmonde.    

She Says She’s My Daughter-North-Psych Thriller-Available Now

What would you do if your child disappeared? What about if someone showed up years later claiming to be her? That and overall family dynamics are the focus points in She Says She’s My Daughter, a new psych thriller by Lauren North.

The author had me going for most of the book. A lot of the story is from Sarah’s point of view, as she is the one most impacted by the loss of her child and the alleged return. Therefore, much of what we see is from her point of view.

There are also chapters from Abi’s point of view. Some are set in the past (“Then”), and some are in the present. They are all convincing, leaving the reader wondering about the truth of the whole matter.

There is also a mystery person who Abi is afraid of, who we learn has set everything in motion. But it is a shadowy figure – there are several characters who could be responsible.

The plot is evenly paced. I would warn readers to pay attention to the time stamps at the beginning of each chapter. They aren’t entirely vital to understanding the story, but if you have them in your head, you’ll understand the urgency of some of the events and how things occur as they do.

I know that sounds convoluted, but it’s the best I can do without giving anything away.

There are several twists and reveals. I did guess one of them, but I think that’s because I was in tune with Sarah and understood her perspective. However, the rest were a surprise. The author did a great job with red herrings and other false clues.

I really enjoyed She Says She’s My Daughter. The end was breathtaking. I will certainly be looking for the next psych thriller from Lauren North.

Lauren North psych thriller author

The Perfect Girlfriend-Smith-Psych Thriller-Available Now

You may think you know what is happening in The Perfect Girlfriend, a new psych thriller by Hayley Smith, but really…you don’t.

Even if you think that Lauren is impetuous and everything is moving super-fast, and it’s hard to keep up with her relationship, it still won’t make sense to you. Until the author is ready for you to know what’s really going on.

I both liked that and found it challenging.

I liked that the author strung me along. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I like to try to outguess an author when it comes to plot twists.

However, the danger in this was that I found myself not liking Lauren that much. She was almost too much of a “free spirit” for me. As I read, I understood that she was written in a specific way for specific reasons. But taken at face value, I couldn’t get behind her.

That made many of the book’s early parts difficult for me to get through. I couldn’t connect, I didn’t like her or Jay, and their lifestyle annoyed me. Especially as they were supposed to be bohemian, but Lauren kept buying stuff for the house.

I mean, I get it, but there was just a disconnect in some parts.

Roughly halfway through, we start to get the backstory that shines a light on some of Lauren’s actions. But there are still more aspects that just didn’t work for me. Those mainly have to do with Lauren’s dreams (or memories, or whatever they are).

You’ll find out what they actually are when you read the book.

Add in a creepy girl with weird family dynamics, mystery people and relationships, and lots of secrets, and it makes for a whole lot of weird that I wasn’t always on board for.

That said, the author still had me turning pages to find out what was happening. While some of the resolutions seemed “too easy,” I did ultimately enjoy The Perfect Girlfriend, and I’ll look for the next psych thriller from Hayley Smith.   

Hayley Smith psych thriller author

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